
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Through Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana

(Posts will be slow as internet is almost non-existent in Yellowstone)

Well we were on our way to Yellowstone for our summer jobs. To catch you up, Mom and I got workamping jobs in Yellowstone National Park. My job needed me to be to Gardiner Montana to start checking in by the morning of April 10th. We had a few things to take care of in Colorado Springs, before we got there, including picking up our car from my parents, so that we would have a second ride for the summer, and to get two new tires for it, and get me some time to work on some loose ball joints. We also had a few items we wanted to put into our storage unit. We also wanted to see a few family members before being gone for the summer.

While there it snowed pretty good and the kids got to build a snow man.

When we left Colorado we stayed in Casper Wyoming and visited the Historic Trails Museum. It's a free and well done museum that explains the trails used by the wagon trails to populate the Western United States, and most all of the trails passed through the Casper area as that was the best place to cross the North Platte River before all of the different trails went their separate ways.

We next stayed the night in Sheridan Wyoming, and then in Bozeman Montana, before heading into Gardiner for checking in and some indoctrination and safety training in Mammoth Hot Springs.

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